Saturday, December 14, 2013

Isidora's Tata

Isidora wanted me to write and explain a little bit about myself. First, you should know that Isidora calls me Tata, which is like Dad in Serbian. Other people call me Hendree. It is great fun to be Isidora's "tata". She gives me lots of hugs, and she always has the best ideas for games and stories. I remember one day she said, "Tata, I want to build a treehouse." It is a big project and we aren't quite done, but it just goes to show that you never know what is going to happen next with Isidora. Fun is right around the corner!

Another great thing about being Isidora's tata is that she always has great performances. There are ballet recitals, choral concerts, and even plays. Some of my favorites are just the little performances around the house. I remember when she decided that she and little brother Stefan would dance the Nutcracker ballet for her mother. Usually for these performances, I get to be the announcer and curtain puller.

I forgot to mention traveling. I never know where Isidora will take me next. One day she decided she wanted to go to Massachusetts and we had to drive to see a museum there. Now that she is older she takes me even further abroad. Last summer we went to Serbia. It was so much fun there. We are going to go again this summer. There is going to be a wedding. Isidora promised to teach me to dance the "kola", which a traditional wedding dance in Serbia. Isidora is a great dancer just like her mother and grandmother. I can't wait!

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